Our School

Gordon L. Willson School was originally constructed in 1969-70.  Additions to the building were completed in 1987 and 1989.  Current enrollment at G.L.W. is approximately 300 students in grades K-5.  Gordon L. Willson Elementary School's real treasures are the outstanding children and families that contribute to our strong academic program.  We encourage visitors and volunteers to contact us if there is interest in supporting our school community by sharing some of your talents or time.  Please get to know our stellar staff.  Our student focus includes a variety of activities for students to excel at including social, physical, and academic events and activities to challenge our children and stretch their imaginations.  Come be a part of the excitement at GLW! 

Sarah Brings

Sarah Brings

GLW Principal

608-355-3925 Ext. 7010


GLW News

GLW Elementary was recently recognized

GLW Elementary was recently recognized by the state as a Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) School of Merit. The staff at GLW focus on teaching students to be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe. Congratulations GLW!

Recognized by the Wisconsin RtI Center for efforts to implement a culturally responsive system of support in behavior at the silver level