The Behavior Matrix is a detailed description of expected behaviors to be practiced in each setting of the school. For example, in the hallway, "stay to the right" instructs how to be safe when in the hallway The matrix is posted throughout the school.
Throughout the school year, students are taught what it looks like to be responsible, respectful, and safe in every setting during the school day. The lessons are called "Cool Tools" (behavioral lessons.) These lessons will be re-taught and reinforced throughout the school year and become part of the instructional program. Reminders are frequently used, for example, "Be polite and stay to the right."
Acknowledging and reinforcing positive behavior is one of the best ways to encourage appropriate behavior. Students can earn tickets for meeting behavior expectations. When goals are met, students enjoy school-wide celebrations.
Even with clear expectations and positive reinforcement, sometimes students will misbehave. A behavior report is written to report the incident. Students are assisted in learning the desired behavior again by completing a follow-up agreement, conferencing with the teacher, meeting with staff and parents, etc.
*Minor infractions - disruptive to the learning environment
*Major infractions - more serious or repeated inappropriate behaviors
*Effective interventions and supports will be in place to help students succeed in all academic and behavior areas.
Collecting data about the times, places, behaviors, etc. ensures informed decision-making to help all students meet the expectations through further interventions.